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Ahhh....rides. So many to choose from. Where to start?

Common questions I get:

How old does my kid have to be to ride (insert ride name here)?

What rides are fun for adults?

Which rides have the longest wait times?

Which rides can I skip? OR What are the "must do" rides?

All are very good questions. Let's tackle them one by one.

- Rides have height, not age, restrictions. So if your little one is tall enough to ride the "Mountains," then it's up to you (or your kid) to decide if they can handle it. As long as the reach the minimum height, cast members will let them on.

**If your child does not reach the minimum height requirement, please don't try to cheat the system. Those restrictions are there for your safety. Minimum height requirements are posted on WDW's website so you can know ahead of time if they can/can't ride.**

- Adults can have fun on any ride! Depends on what your into. Love thrill rides? Try all the mountains, rockin' rollercoaster, Expedition Everest, Test Track, or Mission Space. Like to take it easy? Then pretty much every other ride is for you!

- As for wait times.....this can vary by season. See my post on Fastpasses. These same rides tend to have the longest wait times as well.

- This is all based on personal preference. There are some people who have rides they love due to nostalgia. For me, I love the carousel of progress and I visit that attraction every time I go to the Magic Kingdom. My husband loves the Hall of Presidents. I call this, the "Hall of Naps" as I some how manage to fall asleep every. single. time. We both refuse to ever go to Enchanted Tiki Room ever again.

For others, some are adrenaline junkies and have to do all the roller coasters, and some people can't stand roller coasters.

In my personal opinion, I would try to do at least all the "classic" rides. Like 'It's a small world,' pirates of the caribbean, haunted mansion, etc.

If you are an adrenaline junkie, I recommend Tower of Terror, Rockin' Rollercoaster, Expedition Everest, and Flight of Passage. But again...personal preference.

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